[:it]mySQL + Fedora25: risettare password di root[:en]Resetting the MySQL Root Pass on Fedora 25[:]

[:it]Siccome Fedora 25 utilizza systemd, non sembra sia installato mysqld_safe:

On platforms for which systemd support for MySQL is installed, scripts such as mysqld_safe and the System V initialization script are unnecessary and are not installed. For example, mysqld_safe can handle server restarts, but systemd provides the same capability, and does so in a manner consistent with management of other services rather than by using an application-specific program. Vedi dev.mysql.com

Le seguenti istruzioni sono risultate efficaci: (sudo su root)

  • systemctl stop mysqld
  • systemctl set-environment MYSQLD_OPTS="--skip-grant-tables"
  • systemctl start mysqld
  • mysql -u root
  • mysql> UPDATE mysql.user SET authentication_string = PASSWORD('MyNewPassword') WHERE User = 'root' AND Host = 'localhost';
  • mysql> quit
  • systemctl stop mysqld
  • systemctl unset-environment MYSQLD_OPTS
  • systemctl start mysqld

Grazie a thelinuxevangelist

In Fedora 25, di default è installato mysql-community-server, la soluzione qui sopra evita di installare mariadb.[:]

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